Make Money from your Twitter accounts!
Now a domain name becomes as important as Blogger / Blogspot, Friendfeed, Gmail, Google Groups, Google Voice, Ning, Twitter, Wordpress and Yahoo in user accounts and these accounts belong to a special url addresses can be traded assetize site, now, Twitter accounts you can earn money by parking a new service announced.
the new site in beta yet assetize off service to receive invitations to this page with the Request an Invite button Tweetlemeniz are required.
Note: The user account or url addresses attached to them, other users of the sales, service, specified by the owner let's not supported.
This entry was posted on 7 Kasım 2009 Cumartesi , 00:47 and is filed under assetize,bb,bonus,bonuslu,bonuslu leaflets,commerce,mb,micro leaflets,parks,social,social media,tweet,twitter. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. You can skip to the end and leave a response.