This spell was created at the discretion of you a very nice project, volkswagen will talk. Volkswagen, October 1 to December 15 between the most fun of the theory have a competition honored with the 2500 euro prize. The main theme of the competition that public order provided for use within and by the people that are not popular in much more attractive in theory, to make things fun and make him put function. Here in this article, the 3 pieces to this projeden minval will share with you.

1) Atari makinesi şeklindeki şişe bankası: Bottle bank in front of this İsveçteki thousands of people a day late but nobody gives him any fees is not known-that the bank's main function is to collect glass bottles do not quite care. This point our team is entering the circuit theory and people can make this task more fun how he can develop a project, I have also integrated our machines. The result is of course very successful! Watch from below in the Turkish language.

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